Carer Support Cumbria
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08443 843230
Who Is A Carer?

Information and Facts

“A carer is someone of any age who cares, unpaid for a friend or family member who due to illness, disability, a mental health problem or addiction could not manage without their support.”

Did you know?

  • The most recent Census 2021 puts the estimated number of unpaid carers at 5 million in England and Wales. This, together with ONS Census data for Scotland and Northern Ireland, suggests that the number of unpaid carers across the UK is 5.7 million.
  • 44,800 (9.5%) people in Cumbria aged over years years old provide unpaid Care – higher than the national average (8.9%). 
  • This means that around 9% of people are providing unpaid care. However, Carers UK research in 2022 estimates the number of unpaid carers could be as high as 10.6 million (Carers UK, Carers Week 2022 research report).
  • 4.7% of the population in England and Wales are providing 20 hours or more of care a week.
  • Over the period 2010-2020, every year, 4.3 million people became unpaid carers – 12,000 people a day (Petrillo and Bennett, 2022).
  • 59% of unpaid carers are women (Census 2021). Women are more likely to become carers and to provide more hours of unpaid care than men. More women than men provide high intensity care at ages when they would expect to be in paid work (Petrillo and Bennett, 2022)
  • One in seven people in the workplace in the UK are juggling work and care (Carers UK, Juggling Work and Care, 2019).
  • Between 2010-2020, people aged 46-65 were the largest age group to become unpaid carers. 41% of people who became unpaid carers were in this age group (Petrillo and Bennett, 2022).

Impact of Caring on Finances:

  • With the current cost of living crisis, carers are facing unprecedented pressure on their finances: a quarter of carers (25%) are cutting back on essentials like food or hearing and 63% are extremely worried about managing their monthly costs (Carers UK, State of Caring 2022).
  • Caring comes with additional costs that can have a significant impact on carers’ finances and many carers suffer financial hardship. 44% of working-age adults who are caring for 35 hours or more a week are in poverty. (Joseph Rowntree Foundation, UK Poverty 2022).

Impact of Caring on Health:

  • Caring can have a significant impact on health and wellbeing. 60% of carers report a long-term health condition or disability compared to 50% non-carers (Carers UK analysis of GP Patient Survey 2021).
  • Over a quarter of carers (29%) feel lonely often or always (Carers UK, State of Caring 2022).

Impact of Caring on Employment:

  • On average, 600 people a day leave work to care – with over 500,000 people leaving work to provide unpaid care pre-pandemic (Carers UK, Juggling Work and Care).
  • 75% of carers in employment worry about continuing to juggle work and care (Carers UK, State of Caring 2022).

Impact of Caring amongst underrepresented groups:

  • Black, Asian and ethnic minority carers are more likely to be struggling financially. At the beginning of the pandemic, over half (58%) of unpaid carers from Black, Asian and minority ethnic groups said they were worried about their finances, compared to 37% of White carers (Carers UK, The Experiences of Black, Asian and minority ethnic carers during the COVID-19 pandemic, 2022).
  • LGBT carers are more likely to more likely to feel lonely. 48% of bisexual carers and 45% of lesbian and gay carers often or always feel lonely, compared with 33% of heterosexual carers (Carers UK, The Experiences of lesbian, gay and bisexual carers during the COVID-19 pandemic, 2022).
  • 27% of carers who completed our State of Caring survey in 2022 said they had a disability.

Economic Impact of Care:

  • Unpaid carers in England and Wales contribute a staggering £445 million to the economy every day – that’s £162 billion per year (Petrillo and Bennett, 2023).
  • The value of unpaid care is equivalent to a second NHS in England and Wales, which in 2020/21 received an estimated £164 billion in funding (Petrillo and Bennett, 2023).

How We Work ?

If you are a carer, you are legally entitled to a Carer’s Assessment, which identifies your needs as a carer. We can do the Assessment with you once you get in touch, and then work together to draw up a support plan. The support plan can include things that you feel will help you, such as respite care, information or involving other agencies.  

We operate from a strength based approach, looking at what you are already accomplishing, what support networks you have and helping you via the support plan to help fill the gaps.

We work on a referral basis – you can refer yourself to us by phoning the number below.  Or you can ask a relative or professional (including your GP or care provider) to get in touch for you. 

Once we’ve got some basic information about you and the person you’re caring for, one of our trained Carer Support Workers will get in touch with you and take things from there.

Feedback From Carers and Stakeholders

They act fast and are reliable and discreet
They give you respect for your caring role and respect for you as in individual
In times of trouble and stress, there is someone there to help
They are helpful to the carer, friendly and supportive. I have felt helped and valued
Give added support especially as I am without local family support
As a GP, I've found it invaluable being able to refer patients to CSC members. Most GPs will have seen how the demands of being a carer can affect a carer's health, which isn't just bad for the carer but also ultimately for the person they care for. Carers are often isolated and find it difficult to manage day-to- day activities on top of their caring responsibilities. CSC members provide bespoke support that encourages carers to have a life beyond caring. CSC members assist carers to recharge their batteries and strike a balance between helping their family member and taking time out. As a GP, I know that services between health and social care can be fragmented and CSC members provide a listening ear, practical support and advice to bridge this gap in statutory services. - Dr Ken Sutton, GP